
在今年1月创建了TonyChat这个repo后,我开始自学Typescript,Node.js等前端全栈的主流技术并设计出一种最适合 最可行的技术方案,我必须思考这个产品的主要功能是什么,客户的需求是什么,怎么与开源社区交流。对工作有完全的自主性是一件好事也是坏事, 一方面我可以灵活地安排时间只要完成工作,但是我不爱计划,随机应变的性格使得我被其他娱乐活动分心。所以生产力并没有约束之下那么高。

Here’s my personal feelings: The world is cruel, and in order to become a superior or achieve success in the secular sense, you must have a clear understanding of its operating laws and principles. Under the guise of morality and law, the real world is a jungle society where people frantically seize benefits and gain influence by deceiving and exchanging benefits, until no one can shake them and become a “dictator” within a certain range. But when your abilities are not enough to support your ambitions, you need to remain humble, be careful of your actions, and keep working.
Seeking power isn’t bad — ruthlessness is. The ruthless pursuit of power violates a core principle of ethics: Kant’s Categorical Imperative. As Kant put it, “Act only on that maxim whereby you can, at the same time, will that it should become a universal law.” In other words, don’t do it yourself if you don’t want everyone else to follow your example. A benighted self-interest is toxic; an enlightened one is empowering.



Author: Stan ke
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